
Welcome, to Nonce Apologists Exposed, a page dedicated to exposing those who attack those hunting the nations creeps, perverts and paedophiles. Just as an introduction blog, I thought I would explain the beginnings of the group,my name is Gordon Buchan, I have been following hunters like Shane Brannigan, Internet Interceptors, The Hunted One, Silent Justice and Predator Exposure for quite a while now and found that no matter what platform, whether it be Facebook, Twitter or YouTube, you would find there are those defending the paedophiles and attacking those hunters dedicating their free time and their own hard earned money, catching these vile human beings. So, I decided that I would start a group dedicated to attacking these vile people that are attacking the hunters and giving them their 15 minutes of fame that Andy Warhol predicted everyone would get, the exception being I didn't want to make them famous, I wanted to make them infamous! 
I received a message from my mate Sean Gower who simply said that if I needed anything to give him a shout, so I did. The group was growing fast so I asked him to become an admin, Sean agreed and we set to work in building a wall of shame in which we would expose those making ridiculous comments on hunters videos. I then had a family emergency, and had to be offline for a few days, so Sean showing great instincts brought on board 2 new admins, Ali Stephens and Hayley Thomson and when I come back, the four of us clicked like we were family, now, I class these 3 people family, great friends. 
The group then started to spread from simply attacking the apologists and those threatening to expose the hunters, their decoys and anyone pretending to be a hunter to get likes on Facebook. The group grew to well over 1000 members, but we got infiltrated by the dirty child pornographer Nigel Oldfield who started screenshotting our posts and putting them on his unread blog. As a team, the four of us decided to enlist two more admin who had skill sets to help us combat the attacks on our group and its members, Laura Cooper and Megg Kothe, both of whom slipped into the group like a glove. Both brought with them expertise in areas that we were lacking and we started attacking back.
We sent in the axe woman Hayley to get rid of anyone that had not been vouched for, and now we believe we have got rid of Nasty Nigel. So now, under Laura's guide, we have built this blog to actively hunt and expose apologists, and to give them their very own page dedicated to their exploits. Admin will all be actively blogging on different matters and will definitely worth keeping up to date with! 
So, for now, keep following Team NAE (Nonce Apologists Exposed) and help us to protect and support those protecting our children from those praying on our children.

Children should be innocent and free, and not preyed upon by those skulking behind their keyboards or walking behind them with camera phones!


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